Lesezeichen Lesezeichen


Tema 4: Paco is in Los Angeles, California

In this topic we are going to revise the Imperative in English, and then we are going to study how to report it, that is, we are going to see commands in reported speech. Finally, we are also learning about the diphthongs /eə/ and /ɪə/. ... DESCARGAR FUENTE: http://agrega.juntadeandalucia.es/visualizador-1/VisualizadorCS/VisualizarDatosNavSecuenciaNodo.do;jsessionid=5E5FC44353F78D22BAC12B6DEFAA47FC?identificador=es-an_2010050313_9091530&idSeleccionado=ITEM-085c04b9-2b3f-3b6c-9469-0d7276f9c208
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