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Tema 1:On the way to Dublin

Welcome to a new unit! In unit 5 we are going to learn the different ways to express the future in English: 'will', 'going to' or how to express future with present tenses. We will also pay attention to the modal verb 'would', and later on, we will study the first and the second conditionals... DESCARGAR FUENTE: http://agrega.juntadeandalucia.es/visualizador-1/VisualizadorCS/VisualizarDatosNavSecuenciaNodo.do;jsessionid=550F7F36166D8BB27E57B8C0256E4CF6?identificador=es-an_2011011413_9114639&idSeleccionado=ITEM-eaa99fc8-bb20-31f2-bf58-6dfc0265f3a0
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