Σελιδοδείκτες Σελιδοδείκτες


Tema 5: Paco visits Chicago

In this section we are going to study the causative have form, the question tags and the schwa vowel sound /ə/. This sound is very common in English. Identifying it is sometimes a bit difficult because its pronunciation is too slight, but, don't worry, you will easily learn how to recognize and reproduce it... DESCARGAR FUENTE: http://agrega.juntadeandalucia.es/visualizador-1/VisualizadorCS/VisualizarDatosNavSecuenciaNodo.do;jsessionid=1FC5ADFA9AF99AE0E72E0A485094C91C?identificador=es-an_2010032413_9181541&idSeleccionado=ITEM-f0565f5d-9492-3a54-9c11-abc191188967
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