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Tema 5:Paco visits the rest of Dublin

After learning first conditional sentences in topic 4, we are having a look at second conditional sentences in topic 5. In topic 3 we learned what phrasal verbs are, and we learned some verbs with 'get'. Now we are studying phrasal verbs related to travelling, and we are having a look ... DESCARGAR FUENTE: http://agrega.juntadeandalucia.es/visualizador-1/VisualizadorCS/VisualizarDatosNavSecuenciaNodo.do;jsessionid=F50F5A6EBB78F30276D424F673A18A90?identificador=es-an_2011011413_9114613&idSeleccionado=ITEM-9c029a85-4dc5-32e8-a039-e309342ed441
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